Guide to Tax Free shopping in France

How to shop Tax Free in France?

  • Step 1: Go shopping
  • Look for Planet logo and ask for Planet Tax Free form when making a purchase
  • Step 2: Get Customs validation
  • Step 3: Receive your refund via one of the refund methods available

Shopping in France

Go shopping and get your Tax Free form.

France Currency: EUR
  • 20%Standard VAT rate
  • 5.5%Food and books
  • Minimum spend:
    • EUR 100
    • on the same day and in the same store
  • Shoppers eligible for VAT / Sales Tax Refund:
    • Minimum eligible age: 16
    • Shoppers who are permanent residents in a non-EU country
  • Time limits:
    To receive a Customs stamp:
    • 3 months + the issuing month of the Tax Free Form
    To receive a refund:
    • 6 months from the issuing date of the Tax Free Form
  • Refund limits:
    • Pre-validation Cash: EUR 1000
      Pre-validation Credit Card: EUR 3000
      Post-validation Cash: EUR 1000

Get your Tax Free form approved by customs

Are you leaving via a country other than France?

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Refund requirements

Required for refunding:

  • Fully completed Tax Free forms stamped by Customs

Required for customs approval:

  • Fully completed Tax Free form
  • Unused purchased goods and receipts
  • Passport and travel documents

Customs advice:

  • Remember to validate your Tax Free forms at Customs at the last exit point before leaving EU.

Special note:

  • If your Tax Free Form has a PABLO logo and you are leaving the European Union from France, please get your Tax Free Form Customs approved at a PABLO kiosk next to the Customs area (Customs validation points in France)
  • If your Tax Free form has no PABLO logo, please go directly to the Customs counter and get it approved by the officer manually with a stamp and send it back to Planet

How can I get my refund?

  • Visit any Planet Refund Office
  • Present the validated Tax Free forms and get your refund
View Refund locations
  • Standard refund
  • If you haven't received your refund at our Refund Point, provide your payment details on the Tax Free form, get Customs validation and return the Tax Free form by post using Planet prepaid envelope. You can also leave your Tax Free form in one of our Planet drop boxes.

What other refund options are available?

  • Before leaving the EU from France you may get your refund prior to export validation
  • To take advantage of this refund method the spend must be above 150 EUR per Tax Free form
  • If you received the Tax Free refund before your departure, you must get your Tax Free Form Customs approved by the last EU Customs and return all stamped Tax-Free Forms to Planet Poland office within 21 days. Otherwise your credit card used for guarantee will get charged as agreement confirmed.
  • On your departure date, please allow enough time for Customs approval process before your flight, train, boat, or bus departs.
  • Please make sure the articles listed on the Tax Free Form are sealed and unused.

Search for refund locations in France

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